Friday, February 5, 2010

Uganda Confronts "Loud-mouthed Homosexual Lobby"

A leading pro-family activist in Uganda says that Christians in that East African country need help resisting the schemes of the international homosexual lobby. Charles Tuhaise tells AIM that he is also disturbed by the general silence of conservatives in the U.S. to stand up for Uganda and its emerging Christian culture.

The issue is consideration of a piece of legislation to discourage homosexual practices in Uganda.

"Many Ugandans are shocked at the reaction to this bill and the extent to which homosexual activists can intimidate everyone to silence," Tuhaise said. "This is a bill written to control a problem that has largely gotten out of hand in western society and is now spreading tentacles worldwide. Perhaps Uganda has helped to highlight the danger that the homosexual movement poses to the world."

Tuhaise is chairman of the board of Agape Community Transformation (ACT), a Christian organization dedicated to improving the spiritual, physical, economic and societal conditions of their communities. He is familiar with the bill because he works at the Parliamentary Research Service at the Parliament of Uganda, where the bill is being considered for passage. It was introduced by legislator David Bahati.

"I am a Ugandan and I'm writing to thank you for your bravery," Tuhaise said in his message to AIM. "The articles you've written in support of the right of Ugandans to exercise self-determination on the issue of homosexuality have thrown fresh light on the American scene [and show] that not every American is scared of the loud-mouthed homosexual lobby."

He added, "Please continue to help Uganda by educating Americans about the bill and countering the lies. The American people should wake up and reclaim America from a dangerous subculture that is destroying their children and youth under the guise of liberty and human rights."

AIM received his message at about the same time that Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were announcing their support for putting active and open homosexuals into the Armed Forces of the United States.

The AIM Report, Homosexual Media Target Christians, is our latest article in a series that examines how homosexual activists in the U.S. media such as Rachel Maddow of MSNBC and Jonathan Capehart of the Washington Post have given impetus to what has now become a global campaign to isolate Uganda and even cut off aid to the poor country because of its stand against homosexuality.

Uganda not only suffered under the murderous dictator Idi Amin, but revolted against a homosexual pedophile King Mwanga in the 1800s, a period in the country's history that is not well-known. The result was the establishment of National Martyr's Day on June 3 in honor of the Christians tortured and killed by Mwanga.

Showing disdain for Uganda's sovereign right to chart its own course in domestic and foreign affairs, the "gay rights" lobby has mounted an aggressive strategy to undermine the government of Uganda and threaten the cut-off of foreign aid if the anti-homosexuality bill in Uganda is passed. All of this may have something to do with the fact, as AIM has disclosed, that billionaire George Soros, a major financial backer of the Democratic Party and the "gay rights" movement, has been funding efforts to promote homosexuality and legalized prostitution in Uganda and throughout Africa. The Open Society Institute of Soros calls these activities "the rights of sexual minorities" and "sex work."

The current focus of "progressives," led in the Congress by lesbian Rep. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, is to force the Obama Administration to do more to stop passage of the legislation. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has already been enlisted to make a telephone call to Uganda President Yoweri Museveni about the legislation. But he said that he told her that it was a response to the reported activities of foreign homosexuals targeting children in Uganda. Officially, the U.S. Government is supposed to oppose human trafficking for purposes of child abuse and sexual exploitation.

The latest phase of this campaign is an effort by the homosexual lobby to have President Obama openly denounce the bill at the February 5 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.

Alluding to the fact that American pastors such as Rick Warren have been pressured to denounce the bill, Tuhaise adds, "We are still puzzled why American conservatives will not stand up to homosexual intimidation. The homosexuals and their sympathizers have hijacked the media around the bill and gone out to every conservative leader or organization saying Uganda has written a 'Kill the Gays Bill.' This is far from true for anyone who has read the bill. Without checking, these so-called conservatives have issued statements critical of the bill, which homosexual lobbyists have used to create a false impression that America is united against the Bill."

While the homosexual lobby here and abroad has mobilized its resources to create that impression, Warren Throckmorton of Grove City College, a conservative Christian institution, has also been working with the "gay rights" movement to attack supporters of the legislation. In response, Peter LaBarbera of the group Americans for Truth about Homosexuality has asked, "What qualifies the United States to lecture Uganda about homosexuality?" LaBarbera says Throckmorton, once known as a conservative, has become a "fellow traveler" of the homosexual movement.

Referring to the controversial death penalty provision, which has gotten most of the media attention, Tuhaise told AIM: "The death penalty was included for the most severe homosexual offences where the offender would expose a victim to the risk of a dangerous disease like AIDS, which has no cure. If one willfully puts others (including innocent children in their care) at risk of death, then a deterrent penalty of death makes sense. And it has been a law for heterosexual abusers since 1997. So why is it causing so much fracas when it is applied to homosexual abusers?"

Tuhaise told AIM that Uganda needed the support of conservatives from the U.S. but that there is an obvious problem in America itself. He explained, "We sometimes wonder why Americans are not rising up to stop many shocking things happening there, like the predators who are luring children into dangerous sex rings and destroying their lives...In Africa we think of the welfare of the community and we care what is going on in the neighborhood, because whoever takes over your neighborhood has got your kid, too."

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