Friday, February 5, 2010

Public Policy Group Defends Uganda's Christians on abti gay bill

WASHINGTON, Feb. 4 /Christian Newswire/ -- Journalist and media critic Cliff Kincaid said today that coverage of the so-called "Kill the Gays" bill in Uganda has been completely one-sided, inaccurate, and distorted beyond belief. Kincaid, president of America's Survival, Inc., and editor of Accuracy in Media, says the legislation is designed to save lives by discouraging homosexual practices which spread disease and death.

"The purpose is completely at variance with what the U.S. media have reported," he said. "It is not a 'Kill the Gays' bill. Rather, it is designed to kill the disease that some homosexuals spread through their reckless and irresponsible conduct and lifestyle."

Kincaid said that the much-publicized death penalty provision in the bill is for deliberately spreading AIDS and engaging in homosexual behavior that threatens children and society.

"Uganda's people and government deserve support, not criticism, from the United States," said Kincaid. "They are up against the international homosexual lobby, the money of George Soros, and the Obama Administration. They are trying to create a Christian culture that is protective of families and children."

Kincaid has produced a report, available at, which explains the situation in detail and includes comments from Ugandan Christians who resent the "homosexual imperialism" being practiced by the U.S. and other Western nations. The report also analyzes how financial hedge-fund operator George Soros is pouring money into Africa to promote the interests of "sexual minorities" and "sex workers" -- another name for prostitutes.

The bill in Uganda was denounced by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton at the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. on Thursday. But Kincaid says that Obama and Clinton were clearly responding to pressure from the well-financed "gay rights" lobby, which backed Obama during the 2008 campaign. Kincaid said this lobby wants African countries to accept homosexuality as a normal lifestyle entitled to special rights and recognition from government. Uganda, in the midst of an AIDS crisis and recovering and rebuilding from the terrible time when dictator Idi Amin ruled the East African country, is refusing to go along.

The Americas' Survival, Inc. (ASI) report points out that Uganda not only suffered under Idi Amin, but revolted against a homosexual pedophile King Mwanga in the 1800s, a period in the country's history that is not well-known. The result was the establishment of National Martyr's Day on June 3 in honor of the Christians tortured and killed by Mwanga.

Kincaid said that Clinton, in her National Prayer Breakfast remarks condemning the legislation, failed to disclose that Ugandan President Museveni had told her that he had received reports that foreign homosexuals have been targeting Ugandan children for sexual abuse. The State Department is supposed to be against sex trafficking, Kincaid said. Yet, Kincaid said it is threatening to cut-off foreign aid if the nation doesn't bend over to the demands of the homosexual lobby.

"If our media were accurately reporting this story," he said, "reporters would be questioning why the Obama Administration is interfering with Uganda's right of self-determination and desire to be free of the sexual immorality that has already engulfed the U.S."

For more information, please go to Contact Cliff Kincaid directly through 443-964-8208 or

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